Transforming The Way We Work!
Well, hello there lovely people!

Welcome to the world of The Cotswold Career Concierge.
We aren’t just content with enhancing your careers, we want to see real change happen to ensure that employers recognise the substantial link between employee wellbeing and productivity. We are moving with real purpose to educate leaders on the importance of meaningful, collaborative and person-specific employee appraisals and development. We are passionate about the positive transformation person-led growth and development has on improving employee stability levels, individual and team productivity, loyalty and overall wellbeing and contentment in the workplace.
We realise the importance of sharing our knowledge and services with talented people like YOU! We are so excited to be empowering you as you navigate your career journey with a wealth of really important, highly valuable information that we hope will transform the way we work! We should all be prioritising authenticity, wellbeing and contentment at work - this is when great things can happen, the results of which come in abundance!
So, stick with us on this exciting journey as we shake things up, transform the way we work and help you to reach your fullest potential!
Chat soon, Suzie!
The Cotswold Career Concierge specialises in Portfolio Careers, Careers After Burnout, Career Change, Authentic Careers, Early Careers & Apprenticeships.
PS: Here's a sneak peak at some of our exciting, forthcoming blogs:
What is a portfolio career? All you need to know about this increasingly exciting career diversification.
I do it for the money? Money is the ultimate motivator, but is a career driven by wealth sustainable?
How to prevent burnout. Burnout and prioritising a career that is authentic to you and your core aspirations.
Why do you do the work you do? Find purpose and passions in the work we do.
Early Careers. How to get seen and heard!
Are you ready for a Career Change? If you are doubting yourself at work, then this is for you.
Why it's important to understand your personality type in the workplace. How to really reach our full potential!
Employers are now looking beyond degrees. All you need to know about the new priorities for entry-level recruitment.
Apprenticeships benefit everyone! Why many of the UK's top firms are now prioritising apprenticeship recruitment.
Why you ABSOLUTELY should be returning to work after a Career Break! Why YOU are in high demand right now...!
What you really need to know before relocating. The new life, the right opportunity and the dream village home!
Life after retirement! How to transition into retirement and why many are kick-starting their dream job.
